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DVD reviews

Daisies / Sedmikrásky
Dancer in the Dark [US region 1/UK region 2 comparison]
Dans ma peau / In My Skin
Dark Days
Dark Mirror
Dark Water [UK region 2/Hong Kong region 3 comparison]
David Cronenberg Shorts [Japan region 2]
Dawn of the Dead
Day of the Dead 2: Contagium
Dead Man Walking
Dead Wood
Dear Kitty: Remembering Anne Frank
Dear Wendy
Death Duel of Kung Fu
Death Note, Vol. 1
Death Note, Vol. 2
Death Notice: Ikigami
The Death of Adolf Hitler
Dersu Uzala
Dersu Uzala (2011 re-release)
The Designated Victim
The Devil and Daniel Webster
The Devil, Probably
The Devils
The Devil's Backbone [Canada region 1]
The Devil's Rejects - Special Edition
Dexter, Season 2
Diamonds of the Night / Démanty Noci
Diary for My Children / Napló gyermekeimnek
Diary of a Lost Girl
DiG! - Remix Edition
The Discovery of Heaven
District 13
District 13: Ultimatum
Dogville [Denmark region 0]
Dominion: Prequel to The Exorcist
Dont Look Back [US region 0]
Doomsday (Unrated Widescreen Edition) [US region 1]
The Double Life of Véronique
Do You Remember Dolly Bell?
Dracula 1931 [US region 1]
Drácula 1931 - Spanish version [US region 1]
Dracula's Daughter [US region 1]
Dracula's Fiancée / La Fiancée de Dracula
Drag Me to Hell
Dragonslayer [US region 1]
Dragon's Return / Drak sa vracia
Drowned Out
A Dry White Season
Dying Breed
Dynamic:01 – The Best of
Blu-ray reviews

Daiei Gothic
The Dam Busters
Dance Craze
The Dark Half
Dark Water [Honogurai mizu no soko kara]
Dawn of the Dead
Dawson City: Frozen Time
A Day in the Death of Joe Egg
Day of the Dead
The Day of the Dolphin
The Day of the Jackal
Day of the Outlaw
The Day the Earth Caught Fire
The Deadly Affair
Dead Snow 2
Death in the Garden
Death Occurred Last Night
Deep Cover
Deep Red / Profondo Rosso
The Deer Hunter
The Defiant Ones
Devil in a Blue Dress
The Devil Rides Out
The Devil's Men
Les Diaboliques
Diary of a Lost Girl
Diary of a Mad Housewife
Die, Monster, Die!
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie
Dissent and Disruption: Alan Clarke at the BBC 1969-1989
Distant Journey [Daleká cesta]
Doctor Vampire
The Don is Dead
Donnie Darko: Ultimate Edition
Dont Look Now
Double Indemnity
The Double Life of Véronique
Dracula Prince of Darkness
Dragon's Return
The Draughtsman's Contract
Dream Home / Wai dor lei ah yut ho
The Dressmaker
The Driver's Seat
Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler / Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler
Drunken Master
A Dry White Season
Duel to the Death