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DVD reviews

Mabuse Box Set: Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler / Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse / Die 1000 Augens des Mabuse
The Machinist
Made in Britain [The Alan Clarke Collection – US region 0]
The Magdalene Sisters
Magick Lantern Cycle
Magnificent Bodyguards
Maid Marion and Her Merry Men – Serties 1-4 box set
Les Maitres du temps
Make Mine a Million (Sid James Collection)
A Man Escaped / Un condamné à mort s'est échappé
The Man From London
The Man From Nowhere
Manhattan Baby
Man in the Moon
Man of a Thousand Faces
Man of the Story / Kathapurushan
Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media
The Man With the Golden Arm
Marketa Lazarova
Marshland / La isla mínima
Martin [UK/US comparison]
Martin: Collector's Edition [UK comparison]
A Matter of Life and Death [The Powell & Pressburger Collection]
Mauvais sang / The Night is Young [UK comparison]
Meet Danny Wilson
Meet the Mobsters
Memories of Murder
Men of the City / All White in Barking
Merci pour le chocolat / Betty
Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
A Merry Gentleman
Metropolis Reconstructed
Metropolitan [US region1 /UK regioon 2 comparison]
Midnight Son
The Miners' Campaign Tapes
Mister Lonely
The Molly Dineen Collection Volume 4
Momma's Man
Morgan: A Suitable Case for Treatment
Mother and Son
Mr. X
Mum & Dad
Murder by Decree
Murder Most Horrid - Series 1
Muriel ou Le temps d'un retour
My Dear Killer
My Friend from Faro / Mein Freund aus Faro
My Kung Fu 12 Kicks
My Learned Friend
My Wife is a Gangster
Blu-ray reviews

Mad Detective
Mad Dog Morgan
The Mad Magician
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior [US R0]
Mae West in Hollywood, 1932-1943
Magick Lantern Cycle
The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
A Man for All Seasons
The Man From Laramie
Man of the West
Man of Violence
A Man on His Knees [Un uomo in ginocchio]
The Man Who Fell to Earth
Man Without a Star
Marlene Dietrich & Josef von Sternberg at Paramount 1930-1935
Mary, Queen of Scots
Medium Cool
The Men
Le Mépris
Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
Message from Space / Uchu kara no messeji
Metropolis (2001)
Mexico Macabre
Michael Powell: Early Works
Mickey One
Midnight Run
Milano Calibro 9
The Mind of Mr. Soames
Ministry of Fear
Les Misérables
The Missionary
Mona Lisa
Monkey Shines
The Monolith Monsters
Moonshine Mountain [The Herschell Gordon Lewis Feast]
The Most Dangerous Game Blu-ray cover
Mother / Madeo
Mothering Sunday
The Mourning Forest / Mogari no mori
Mr. Klein
The Mummy's Shroud
Murder Me Monster
The Murderer Lives at 21 / L'assassin habita au...21
Murphy's War
The Music Lovers
My Dinner with Andre [US region A]
My Name is Juilia Ross
My Neighbours, the Yamadas
Magic, Myth and Mutilation: The Microbudget Cinema of Michael J. Murphy 1967-2015
Murder Me, Monster
My 20th Century
Mysterious Object at Noon
The Mystery of Picasso