seems, in retrospect, a little odd that the work of French
animator René Laloux is so hard to track down in
the UK, given the positive critical response that his 1973 Fantastic Planet [La Planète sauvage] continues to
elicit. Mind you, even Fantastic Planet
eventually did a vanishing act, disappearing from public
view in the years following its cinema release and becoming
one of those films that you could read about but not
see, a situation finally remedied by last year's DVD release from Masters of Cinema.
Maîtres du temps [Time Masters] was Laloux's follow-up to Fantastic Planet,
although the nine year gap between the two films almost
calls for alternative descriptive terminology. Stylistically, they're
unmistakably the work of the same director, something particularly
evident in the electronic score, the dream-like atmosphere, and the
surrealistic creature and landscape design. That
said, Les Maîtres du temps kicks off in
the style of a Hollywood actioner, the sort of urgent, high
speed opening usually employed to assure short-attention-span
audiences that there'll be some more of the same soon if they can just wait a few minutes while we lay out the plot. Here
it's a chase, or at least half of one, as the adult Claude and his
young son Piel flee in their insect-like land vehicle from
an attack by giant hornets. While attempting to keep the
truth from Piel – the hornets have killed his mother, after
all – Claude desperately attempts to contact his friend
Jaffar, who we soon learn is not even on this planet. Jaffar's
not answering, so Claude leaves a message, a usefully brief
bit of exposition that outlines the seriousness of their
situation and their intention to head to the Dolongs, a
vegetated region that has René Laloux written all
over it. No sooner do they arrive than Claude crashes the
vehicle and is mortally wounded. He urges the still unaware
Piel to run and hide, giving him an egg-shaped microphone
which will enable him to communicate with Jaffar.

3-minute sequence is the setup for a relatively straightforward
plot involving Jaffar's journey to the planet Perdide to
rescue Piel before he's killed by the hornets. The pleasures,
and there are many, come from the detail and presentation. Jaffar is from
the Han Solo school of space travellers and is, for a sizeable
fee, transporting Prince Matton and his female companion
Belle to the planet of Aldebaran. Matton's on the run, having
nabbed the entire contents of his planet's public treasury
and is thus not best pleased when his mission is put on hold
for the rescue bid. Under a cloak of indifference, he does
his sneaky best to sabotage things, while Belle takes pity
on Piel and uses the communicator to reassure and comfort
him. Having grasped only the basics of his father's instructions,
Piel believes that the egg is actually a creature named
Mike and that the voices emanating it are those of his diminutive
new friend, a concept that sails perilously close to cuteness
but just about comes off.
journey is further interrupted to recruit the help
of old friend Silbad, a cheerful, kindly, white bearded
old codger of the sort Will Geer might have played had this
been made as a live action piece in 1970s Hollywood (not
likely, as it happens). It's from here that Laloux's imagination
really starts to run free, particularly in the floating,
saucer-like shrews that give birth to a gaggle of small
floating telepaths, two of whom, named Yula and Jad, join
the crew and are the first to suspect Matton's wrong-doing
when they sniff out his bad thoughts. Equally memorable
is an army of faceless angels under the control of a creature
composed of pure thought, a solid science fiction concept
undone by an unlikely dose of old-fashioned (and very suddenly
discovered) nobility.

this film significantly differs from its illustrious predecessor
is in consistency of design and animation – Fantastic
Planet has it, Les Maîtres du temps
doesn't, the result of working with six different teams
of illustrators over an 18 month period after the project
was moved to Hungary to keep production costs down.
Jaffar in particular looks and moves like a Master of the
Universe, whereas the animation of the impish Yula and Jad
is a constant delight. This variance in style is matched
by a couple of offbeat shifts in tone that include two songs
(well, one and a half) and some Disney-esque comic relief
involving nicely animated creatures that Craig Keller, in
the accompanying booklet, likens uncharitably to Jar-Jar
Binks. That's pushing it a bit, but I can see where he's
coming from.
of which should put you off in the slightest – if anything
this variance of style and tone adds to the film's quirky
charm. Les Maîtres du temps is an engaging
and inventive slice of animated science fiction that rides
on its art and imagination and has oodles of both. There
are even a couple of late surprises and a neat final twist
for those who thought the plot was looking a bit by the
numbers. Of particular interest to sf fans will be the ship
designs, which were the work of genre legend Jean 'Moebius'
Giraud. I particularly liked Jaffar's control deck, a sort
of open plan living room encased in a large glass dome,
somewhere to steer the ship, relax, and watch the stars.
Now THAT'S the way to travel.
first thing anyone who has the Masters of Cinema disc of
Fantastic Planet (and you should) will
notice is that the print for Les Maîtres du temps
is in noticeably better shape, with little in the way of
dust and dirt, very good colour and contrast and a consistently
pleasing level of detail. The framing is 1.66:1 and the
picture is anamorphically enhanced.

Dolby 2.0 mono soundtrack is very clear and has a fine tonal
range, reproducing the sound effects, dialogue and eclectic
score well.
the disc there's the Original Trailer
(2:06), which paints the film misleadingly as an action
packed adventure. The best stuff is once again in the accompanying
Booklet, which contains a detailed
essay on the film by Craig Keller and an interview with
Moebius, both peppered with film stills, photographs and
to be of particular interest to both science fiction and
animation enthusiasts, Les Maîtres du temps
is a must for fans of Fantastic Planet
or simply those who like their stories to be told with imagination
and a dash or three of surrealism. It's well presented on
Eureka's DVD and is artistically interesting enough to be
a most valid entry in the Masters of Cinema series.