first heard about My Wife is a Gangster [Jopog manura] a year after its Korean cinema release, by when it had become one of the biggest hits in Korean film history, despite
having received a serious critical drubbing. Word soon spread
beyond home shores, the unavailability of the title on UK
DVD promoting it to minor cult status. Word of mouth was
good, and I thus still can't justify my failure to import one
of the film's Asian DVD releases. And it wasn't just its reputation that piqued
my interest – how could any devotee of cult cinema resist
such a title? Then again, I have a particular fondness for film titles that
unfussily spell out the basics of the plot, from the 50s
science fiction classics like I Married a Monster
From Outer Space and Attack of the 50 Foot
Woman to – goddammit – Snakes on a Plane,
despite my contempt for the film itself. My Wife
is a Gangster falls squarely into that category. It not only provides the
essence of the story, it neatly suggests the film's often humorous
approach to its subject and characters.

The central comic situation is a well worn one, that of
establishing a character and then introducing a circumstance
that forces them to reluctantly behave in a manner contrary
to their personality. But Tootsie this
ain't. Here, the protagonist is Cha Eun-jin (Shin Eun-kyung), known in the
Korean underworld as The Mantis, the hard-as-nails second-in-command
of a major crime organisation. She has no interest in men
(she's considerably tougher than those she commands), but is devoted
to her cancer-stricken sister Chu Yu-jin (Lee Eung-kyung), with whom she
has only recently been reunited. When Yu-jin reveals that
her dying wish is to see her sister happily married, Eun-jin
charges her gang with the task of locating a suitable husband,
one who knows nothing of her true nature and who will seem
respectable enough for Yu-jin to believe that sis really
has settled down for life. By chance they stumble on Kang
Soo-il (Park Sang-myeon, who sharp viewers may recognise
from Lee Myung-se's 1999 Nowhere to Hide)
when he innocently comes to Eun-jin's defence and takes
a brick to the head for his troubles. He's been looking
for a partner for some time now and willingly accepts the
Eun-jin's offer to wed, but married life is set to fall
a little short of his expectations.
establishing his lead character so vividly and quickly,
director Cho Jin-gyu is able to get some effective mileage
out of her search for a suitable partner, from her instruction
in the ways of feminine charm by "professional man-melting
machine" Sherri (Choi Eun-ju), to having to dress up in clothes she
clearly detests in order to impress the parents of a potential
husband. None of this would work were it not for how perfectly
Shin Eun-kyung nails the role of Eun-jin, exuding a deadly
authority without having to butch up the part beyond the
short haircut and business suit, which she carries so naturally
that the sight of her in curlers or shoehorned into a wedding
dress seems as preposterous to us as it does to her. Although
much of the humour springs from the central premise, Cho
has no problem broadening his scope to include scenes of
knockabout silliness and even a moment of cartoonish absurdity,
as Soo-il quotes earnestly from The Bridges of Madison
County and the eyes of Eun-jin's companions glow
in the dark behind him. Once Eun-jin and Soo-il are married,
the latter's fruitless pursuit of sex provides its share
of amusement, and it's to Park Sang-wyeon's credit that
we sympathise so readily with his frustration (I realise
I'm talking from a male viewpoint here), although when Yu-jin
ups the ante and suggests that a baby would be a good idea, he's
ill prepared for what hits him.
doesn't all work so well, with the gang's continual tolerance
of the buffoonish new recruit known unflatteringly as Shit
Boy a bit hard to swallow, even for a comedy. But for
the most part the timing and energy carry even the basest
of gags, as with the farts that interrupt gang member Romeo's
singing, an intended insult that is given a snigger-inducing
postscript when he demands to know who let rip. Elsewhere
I was laughing in spite of myself, most memorably during
the martial arts battle that disrupts Eun-jin's wedding,
a scene whose comic effectiveness is as much due to shrewd
camera placement and nifty editing as the juxtaposition
of the earnest and the anarchic.

not just played for laughs, though, and it's the underlying
drama that gives the film its substance, with the relationship
between Eun-jin and her sister touchingly but never mawkishly
handled, and I have to admit to
being surprised just how much I found myself caring about
the fate of the characters and their relationships, a sure
sign that they have registered way beyond the level of comedy
pawns. A late-in-the-story death also proves disarmingly
moving, particularly given how little we actually know about the character
in question. There are Korean cultural references that the
commentary track will help you appreciate (a loud mouthed
motorist's anger at Eun-jin smoking in public, for example)
and a few that even the more casual Asian cinema fan will
pick up on (the relevance of gangland tattoos, used here
for both comic and dramatic effect).
final layering comes with the action, impressively choreographed
by Kim Won-jin of Operation Scorpio (aka
Scorpion King) fame. Highlights include
the stylised opening fight in the rain (a clear influence
on The Matrix Revolutions) and a climactic
warehouse battle that throws an initially dark but welcome
narrative curve ball, leading to a finale that does not
follow the expected generic path and should have all true
cult film fans hugging themselves with glee.
puts the final stamp of class on this consistently entertaining
and smartly handled blend of comedy, drama and action, elements
that work here in rare harmony and are never allowed to
dominate or undermine each other. My Wife is a Gangster
shows that, with a little imagination and a refusal to rigidly
adhere to formula, even the seemingly familiar
can be made to feel fresh. There will thus
be no exclamations of surprise, just a groans of dismay,
that Mirimax are already prepping a Hollywood remake with
(oh dear God, not again) Queen Latifah in the lead.
anamorphic 1.78:1 transfer is generally a good one – the
detail is sharp and contrast is for the most part pleasing,
although is a little strong in a couple of scenes. Black
levels are always bang on. There is a greenish tinge to
much of the film that may well be deliberate – certainly
it doesn't feel wrong, and brighter colours, when used (some
costumes, neon signs), look fine. There is some visible
grain throughout, but it's never distracting.

sound options are Korean 5.1 and DTS, and there's a 5.1
English dub for those not prepared to watch the film properly.
In most respects the DTS and 5.1 are very similar – both
use surrounds well and exhibit strong bass when appropriate
– but the music is sometimes considerably louder on the
DTS track, resulting a sizeable volume gap between that
and most of the dialogue. The English dub relocates the
soundtrack from Korea to South London and has its own unintentional
comedy value.
you don't count the promos for other Premier Asia releases
(and I don't) then there is only one, although listening
to it will make you think there's a disc missing from the
box. The Commentary by Bey Logan
and Mike Leeder provides plenty of background on the actors
and the film itself, but there is a lot more anecdotal and
good natured but superficial material than on Logan's solo
tracks. The talk comes thick and fast, though, so when they
do get sidetracked they're soon back on the case, and had I
not listened to this track, I might never have heard about
the Hello Kitty murder case. What is a little frustrating
are the number of times Logan refers to deleted scenes,
outtakes and behind-the-scenes footage that he has seen
and presumes will be included on this DVD. They aren't.
I appreciate that this was recorded some time ago (I'm estimating
a couple of years), but to be reminded of all the material
that could have been included here (they're on the Korean
2-disc release) can't help but make you feel a little short-changed. Intriguingly, the disc artwork featured on Amazon
is different from that of this release and contains the
words "2 Disc Special Edition." So what happened
like me, you've been hearing about My Wife is a
Gangster but not got around to seeing it, well
here's your chance, and yes, it has been worth the wait.
It's one of those films that I thoroughly enjoyed on the
first viewing, but whose craft and subtleties I better appreciated
the second and third time around. Premiere Asia do fine on
picture and sound, but have dropped the ball somewhat on
extra features, something that's unfortunately highlighted by the only
one that has been included. Either way, I would make an effort
to see it before the Hollywood remake stumbles along to
tarnish that title.