A director is considered an Auteur when his or her individual style and complete control over all elements of production give a film a recognisable, personal and unique stamp.
Through its history, the Bloomsbury cinema in London has been associated with directors of singular vision, so it is fitting that it will reopen its doors with a festival dedicated to their work. The Auteur Film Festival is being presented to acknowledge the diversity in world cinema, to celebrate the resurrection of a cultural institution, and reignite debate about the origins of greatness when it come to cutting edge cinema.
The full programme for the Auteur Film Festival has now been confirmed. The titles are listed below. Speaking personally, it's a stonking collection.
Tickets for the festival go on sale soon at: http://www.curzoncinemas.com/auteurfilmfestival/

Friday 27 March
18:00 – La Règle du Jeu [The Rules of the Game] | Jean Renoir 1939
20:30 – Stalker | Andrei Tarkovsky 1979
Saturday 28 March
13:00 – Radio On | Christopher Petit 1979
15:30 – Two Lane Blacktop | Monte Hellman 1971
18:00 – Vertigo | Alfred Hitchcock 1958
20:45 – Les quatre cents coups [The 400 Blows] | François Truffaut 1959
Sunday 29 March
13:00 – A Matter of Life and Death | Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger 1946
15:20 – Tokyo Story [Tôkyô monogatari] | Yasujirô Ozu 1953
18:10 – Bicycle Thieves [Ladri di biciclette] | Vittorio De Sica 1948
20:15 – Touch of Evil | Orson Welles 1958
Monday 30 March
13:50 – Distant Voices, Still Lives | Terence Davies 1988
15:50 – The Double Life of Veronique [La double vie de Véronique] | Krzysztof Kieslowski 1991
18:10 – Hidden [Caché] | Michael Haneke 2005
21:00 – Suspiria | Dario Argento 1977
Tuesday 31 March
14:00 – Spirited Away [Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi] | Hayao Miyazaki 2001
16:00 – Beau travail | Claire Denis 1999
18:10 – The Headless Woman [La mujer sin cabeza] | Lucrecia Martel 2008
20:45 – Orlando | Sally Potter 1992
Wednesday 1 April
13:45 – Mouchette | Robert Bresson 1967
15:50 – Lost in Translation | Sofia Coppola 2003
18:10 – A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence | Roy Andersson 2014
20:30 – Mulholland Drive | David Lynch 2001
Thursday 2 April
15:00 – Days of Heaven | Terrence Malick 1978
17:45 – Fitzcarraldo | Werner Herzog 1982
21:00 – Shadows | John Cassavetes 1959