Although the slasher film was in decline by the mid-1980s, there were still some grisly delights to be had – and they don’t come much grislier than writer-director Buddy Cooper’s sickening stalk-and-slash classic The Mutilator, available on Blu-ray and DVD from Arrow Video on 15th February.
When Ed receives a message from his father asking him to go and lock up the family’s beach condo for the winter, it seems like the perfect excuse for an alcohol-fueled few days away with his friends. But no sooner are the teens on the island than they find themselves stalked by a figure with an axe (and a hook, and an outboard motor) to grind…
Originally released under the title Fall Break, The Mutilator has earned a reputation amongst horror fans as one of the holy grails of ’80s splatter mayhem due to its decidedly gruesome kill sequences, courtesy of FX wizard Mark Shostrom (Videodrome, Evil Dead II). Finally making its long-awaited bow in High-Definition, The Mutilator has returned to terrorize a whole new generation of horror fans.

The Mutilator will be released on dual format (Blu-ray and DVD) on 15th February 2016 by Arrow Video at the RRP (we think) of £17.99.
Disc specifications:
Brand new 2K restoration of the unrated version from original vault materials
High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) and Standard Definition DVD presentations
Original mono 1.0 audio (uncompressed PCM on the Blu-ray
Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
Special features:
Introduction to the film with writer-director Buddy Cooper and assistant special make-up effects artist/assistant editor Edmund Ferrell
Audio Commentary with Cooper, Ferrell, co-director John Douglass and star Matt Mitler
Audio Commentary with Buddy Cooper and star Ruth Martinez Tutterow
Fall Breakers: The Story of The Mutilator – brand new feature-length documentary on the making of the splatter classic featuring interviews with Cooper, Douglass, Ferrell, Mitler, actors Bill Hitchcock, Jack Chatham and more
Mutilator Memories – special make-up effects artist Mark Shostrom looks back at one of his earliest projects
Tunes for the Dunes – composer Michael Minard reveals how The Mutilator’s unique score was created
Behind-the-scenes reel
Screen tests
Alternate opening titles
Trailers and TV spots
‘Fall Break’ theme song (original and instrumental versions)
Opening sequence storyboards
Motion stills gallery
Original Fall Break screenplay (BD/DVD-ROM content)
Reversible sleeve featuring two original artworks