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Lim Kah Wai's Your Lovely Smile on Third Window Blu-ray in August

4 June 2024

The 2022 Your Lovely Smile [Anata no hohoemi] from director Kim Lah Wai (Come and Go / This Magic Moment) is a bittersweet, hilarious, enlightening and inspirational road trip through Japanese arthouse cinemas with independent filmmaker Watanabe Hirobumi (Poolsideman / Techno Brothers), who also struggles to release his own movies in real life.

This delightful minimalist micro-budget dramedy ironically and truthfully depicts a sorrowful post-Covid situation in Japanese cinemas, the rapidly changing film culture, and the newly (re)discovered habits of spectators as an unyielding optimist Hirobumi painstakingly and stubbornly strives to invent clever distribution methods while keeping on striving to make movies.

"Your Lovely Smile feels of a piece with Wim Wenders’ Perfect Days, as both films appear to have evolved out of documentary projects exploring unique structures, be they cinemas or, in Wenders’ case, public toilets." – James March, South China Morning Post

Your Lovely Smile Blu-ray cover art

Your Lovely Smile makes its worldwide Blu-ray debut on 12 August 2024 courtesy of Third Window Films at athe RRP of £19.99 (you can currently pre-order the title from the Terracotta Store for £15.99)


  • Interview with director Lim Kah Wai (29 minutes)
  • Interview with film festival programmer Yatabe Yoshi (20 minutes)
  • Deleted and extended scenes (24 minutes)
  • Trailer