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WWII comedy drama The Bells Go Down on Blu-ray, DVD & Digial in June

14 May 2024

Studiocanal has announced the release of a brand-new 4K restoration of Ealing Studios’ classic Blitz set comedy drama, The Bells Go Down (1943), which will be available to own on Blu-Ray, DVD and Digital in June.

An important part of Ealing Studios’ legacy, The Bells Go Down, directed by Basil Dearden (The Gentle Gunman, Victim) and produced by Michael Balcon (The Ladykillers, Kind Hearts and Coronets), is a masterful and vividly authentic depiction of the work of the A.F.S (The Auxiliary Fire Service) that, in a revolutionary move, utilized genuine footage of London in the grip of the Blitz.

Starring the music hall hero Tommy Trinder (Fiddlers Three, Sailors Three) in a rare straight role, a young James Mason (North by Northwest, Lolita), Philip Friend (Buccaneer’s Girl, Spy Hunt) and even a future television Doctor in William Hartnell (Doctor Who?, Brighton Rock), the film captures the urgency of the era and serves as a rare historical document of a city in the grip of war. Notably, The Bells Go Dow opened just a few weeks after another film concerned with the A.F.S, Humphrey Jennings' semi-documentary, Fires Were Started, was released. Jennings’ film, which utilised real firefighters in a fictional narrative, is included in this release as part of the extras materials.

At the outbreak of war, Bob (Philip Friend) signs up to volunteer for the A.F.S. The organisation is overseen by professional firemen led by MacFarlane (Finlay Currie) and Ted Robins (James Mason), who despise Bob and his rag-tag colleagues that include Tommy (Tommy Trinder), a kennelman and Sam (Mervyn Johns), a petty dockside thief. MacFarlane and Ted set out to break the spirits of the A.F.S. boys and give them some proper discipline but can Bob and his cohort fight back?

Seamlessly blending fictional settings with authentic wartime footage, the film chronicles the trials, triumphs, camaraderie and rivalry of the ordinary heroes of the A.F.S from the eve of the war to the relentless aerial bombardment of the Blitz.

Belles Go Down Blu-ray and DVD cover art

The Bells Go Down will be released on Blu-ray, DVD & Digital from Studiocanal on 24 June 2024.


  • London Auxiliary Fire Brigade Parade (1939)
  • Fires Were Started (1943) – directed by Humphrey Jennings ©1943 Crown Copyright The British Film Institute
  • Save Your Shillings and Smile (1943)
  • Behind the Scenes Stills Gallery