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Claire Denis' Chocolat on BFI Blu-ray, iTunes & Amazon Prime in April

4 April 2024

Claire Denis' (Beau Travail, 35 Shots of Rum) semi-autobiographical exploration of the colonial power struggle in Cameroon is the first in a series of her films exploring French colonialism and racism in west Africa. A Palme D'Or nominee, Chocolat (1988) is a remarkably assured directorial debut featuring all the tension, subtlety and sophistication that characterise Denis' films, brought further to vivid life in a dazzling new 4K restoration.

Released on Blu-ray by the BFI in April (streaming on BFI Player later this year), numerous special features include an audio commentary by film scholar and critic Kate Rennebohm and a new interview with Claire Denis discussing the film and its new restoration.

France (Mireille Perrier), a young woman, returns to Cameroon to visit Mindif, the colonial outpost she grew up in during the last days of French rule. As she travels, she recalls her childhood there and the bond formed with their 'houseboy' Protée (Isaach de Bankolé). A quiet and observant child, unable to quite understand the simmering sexual and racial tensions between the adults around her, France finds her idyll shattered when a plane full of strangers makes an emergency landing nearby.

Chocolat Blu-ray cover art

CHOCOLAT will be released on Blu-ray, iTunes and Amazon Prime by the BFI on 29 April 2024. The RRP for the Blu-ray is £19.99.


  • Newly restored in 4K and approved by Claire Denis
  • Audio commentary by film scholar and critic Kate Rennebohm
  • Claire Denis à propos de Chocolat (2023, 18 mins): Claire Denis discusses Chocolat and its new restoration
  • Claire Denis in Conversation (2019, 49 mins): the filmmaker looks back over her career
  • Childhood Memories (Mary Martins, 2018, 4 mins): a multilayered autobiographical animation exploring memories of a childhood visit to Lagos, Nigeria
  • Original theatrical trailer
  • 2023 trailer
  • First pressing only: Illustrated booklet with essays by Cornelia Ruhe, Catherine Bray and Kevin Le Gendre, and writing on Childhood Memories by director Mary Martins; notes on the special features and credits

You can read L.K. Weston's detailed review of the prevous Artificial Eye DVD release here.