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A trio of cult Italian Westerns on UHD/Blu-ray in December & January

30 November 2023

Cultfilms has announce the release of a trio of classic Italian Westerns for December and the New Year, with Sergio Corbucci's Django making its UK 4K UHD debut in December, and a Blu-ray box set featuring Django, Enzo G. Castellari's Keoma, and Damiano Damiani's A Bullet for the General arriving in January.


Django uhd pack shot

DJANGO (1966) | 4K UHD | 11 December 2023

Sergio Corbucci's ground-breaking 1966 Django is one of the greatest and most influential Westerns ever. Seminal, yet banned for decades, its aesthetics of visual cruelty transcended the genre and shaped today's film-making language. Its major influence is declared by Quentin Tarantino – among many Hollywood directors – and seen in all his films.

Django, played by the legendary Franco Nero, is the mysterious lone gunslinger who, dragging a coffin behind him, arrives in a bleak, mud-drenched town where he'll face two ruthless gangs of sadistic killers. Presented uncut, from new 4K-restored elements, this definitive version is pristinely faithful to the original filmmakers' vision; as attested by Ruggero Deodato (of Cannibal Holocaust fame) who shot several scenes of Django as the then-Assistant to Corbucci.

Complementing this definitive box set is a riveting, feature-length tribute from Quentin Tarantino, who sheds light on the influence Sergio Corbucci had on his career, illustrated with never-before-seen footage and film clips.


  • A new interview with Franco Nero
  • Django and Me: a new interview with Ruggero Deodato on being Sergio Corbucci's assistant
  • Alex Cox (Creator of BBC Moviedrome and cult director of Repo Man) defines Django
  • Perfect-Bound 64 pages booklet with foreword by Franco Nero; Django The Western Cranked-up! by Kevin Grant
  • ArtCard with original posters
  • New reworked English subtitles and additional SDH



Cult Spaghetti Westerns Blu-ray pack shot

Blu-ray | 8 January 2024

DJANGO (1966)
Sergio Corbucci's ground-breaking 1966 Django is one of the greatest and most influential Westerns ever. Seminal, yet banned for decades, its aesthetics of visual cruelty transcended the genre and shaped today's film-making language. Its major influence is declared by Quentin Tarantino – among many Hollywood directors – and seen in all his films. Django, played by the legendary Franco Nero, is the mysterious lone gunslinger who, dragging a coffin behind him, arrives in a bleak, mud-drenched town where he'll face two ruthless gangs of sadistic killers. Presented uncut, from new 4K-restored elements, this definitive version is pristinely faithful to the original filmmakers' vision; as attested by Ruggero Deodato, who shot several scenes of Django as the then-Assistant to Corbucci.



  • A new interview with Franco Nero
  • Django and Me: a new interview with Ruggero Deodato on being Sergio Corbucci's assistant
  • Alex Cox (Creator of BBC Moviedrome and cult director of Repo Man) defines Django
  • Reversible sleeve with alternative artwork
  • ArtCard with original posters
  • New reworked English subtitles and additional SDH

Acknowledged as the genre swansong, this late Western masterpiece is directed by Enzo G. Castellari. Screen-legend Franco Nero reprises his relentless deadly gunslinger persona, now as the eponymous Keoma who, returning to his hometown, finds that it is now ruled by a gang of sadistic killers. Aided by an old friend (a superb Woody Strode – Spartacus, The Professionals), Keoma fights the ruthless bunch to the bitter, last-man-standing, end. This gritty no-holds-barred western is presented from 2K-restored vault materials, showcasing its iconic set-pieces and its striking action-cinematography as never before.


  • Interview with director Enzo G. Castellari on the making of Keoma
  • Interview of Enzo Castellari on 'Westerns and Crime Flicks'
  • Interview with editor Gianfranco Amicucci
  • Alex Cox presents Keoma
  • New reworked English subtitles and additional SDH
  • ArtCard with original posters
  • Reversible sleeve with alternative artwork

A covert US assassin is sent to kill a General who is one of the leaders of the Mexican Revolution. He infiltrates a gang of guerrillas led by the charismatic El Chuncho (Gian Maria Volonté of the Dollars films) with his lieutenants, the crazed priest (Klaus Kinski), and the beautiful Adelita (007's Martine Beswick). As the rebels go on a rampage stealing weapons, they unwittingly lead the assassin to the General. A Bullet for the General established the politically-imbued 'Zapata-Western' genre and is finally presented in superb HD, finally doing justice to the lavish widescreen cinematography and iconic score from Ennio Morricone.


  • Interview with director Damiano Damiani
  • Alex Cox introduces A Bullet for the General
  • New reworked English subtitles and additional SDH
  • ArtCard with original posters
  • Reversible sleeve with alternative artwork