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Electric Dragon 80000v and Punk Samurai on Blu-ray in March

21 January 2021

Third Window Films has announced the March UK Blu-ray release of two new titles, Sogo Ishii's punk classic Electric Dragon 80000v and the first ever physical release outside of Japan of his most recent film, Punk Samurai.


Electric Dragon 80000v Blu-ray covers

ELECTRIC DRAGON 80000V (Japan 2001) | Blu-ray | 6 March 2023

As a child, Dragon Eye Morrison undergoes electro-shock treatment for his aggressive behavior. The levels of sheer energy absorbed by his body over the years allow him to channel and conduct electricity. Now an adult, Morrison works in the city as a reptile investigator and has learned to channel his rage through the performance of aggressive guitar-based noise. Meanwhile, Thunderbolt Buddha, a TV repair man turned vigilante, who has the same electro-conductive powers after a childhood accident, goes after crime bosses and gangsters. When both men learn of each other's existence, Thunderbolt Buddha challenges Morrison to a final showdown on the rooftops of Tokyo.


  • New HD master from the original negatives
  • Director Sogo Ishii, musician Hiroyuki Onogawa and producer Takenori Sento Stage Greeting
  • Tadanobu Asano Stage Greeting
  • Masatoshi Nagase Stage Greeting
  • Premiere Stage Greetings
  • Producer Takenori Sento Interview
  • Music Creator Hiroyuki Onogawa interview
  • Synthesized Images with Commentary
  • Storyboards
  • Trailer
  • Slipcase with illustrated artwork by Ian MacEwan
  • Reversible Sleeve with original Japanese artwork
  • Slipcase edition limited to 1500 copies



Punk Samurai Blu-ray covers

PUNK SAMURAI [PANKU-ZAMURAI, KIRARETE SŌRŌ] (Japan 2018) | Blu-ray | 13 March 2023

In search of employment and a permanent position and having committed murder the ronin Kake Junoshin tells the Kuroae clan that a religious cult is aiming for their destruction. This gets him in, but he is soon disproved and arrested. Given the death sentence and awaiting death he has to be quick on his feet and figure out a way to get himself out of the hole. Then the resurrection occurs.


  • Making Of (66 mins)
  • Go Ayano interview (6 mins)
  • Premiere Stage Greetings (16 mins)
  • Trailer
  • Slipcase with artwork by Gokaiju
  • Reversible Sleeve with original Japanese artwork
  • Slipcase edition limited to 1000 copies