Revolutionary in form as well as content, the 1974 Electra, My Love is one of the great Miklós Jancsó's finest works. Set amidst the open plains and grasslands of Hungary, and shot in twelve long, beautiful, intricately choreographed takes by cinematographer János Kende, it is a provocative call to arms against any system that rules without justice.
An expert in the symbolic expression of forbidden political ideas, Jancsó here radically reworks the ancient Greek myth as a philosophical reflection on the dialectics of power and oppression. Electra (seeking revenge for the murder of her father, the former king) attempts to rouse a cowardly and apathetic population against the rule of usurper tyrant Aegisthus. Jancsó's film examines issues of law, justice and power; the deliberate distortion of myth and reality reflecting the real horrors that Hungary had endured and was at that time still enduring. It s relevance for contemporary society is still potent and clear today.

Electra My Love makes iots world Blu-ray premiere on 26th September 2016 by Second Run at the RRP of £19.99.
Special Edition contents:
A brand new 2K restoration of the film by the Hungarian Digital Archive and Film Institute, supervised by the film's cinematographer János Kende
Original Hungarian soundtrack in Dual Mono 24-bit LPCM audio
The Evolution of the Long Shot [A hosszú snitt alakulásai] – a short film by cinematographer János Kende
Booklet featuring a new essay on the film by Peter Hames
New and improved English subtitle translation