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Curse for Curzon: sign the petition to save London's Cuzon Soho Cinema

12 January 2015

The Curzon Soho is one of London's flagship arthouse cinemas, but recent newspaper reports reveal that it may be knocked down to make way for the Crossrail 2 development. The West End Extra newspaper originally broke the story about a possible demolition and it was taken up by the Daily Telegraph. The Guardian and many other publications have also picked up the story.

In the recent past, the Curzon Soho has been named the best cinema in London by readers of the listings magazine 'Time Out'. However, this unique, lovely and important cinema is under threat as it has been named a "surface area of interest" by those organising the £25 billion Crossrail 2 project.

You can visit the Cuzon Soho web site here:

Losing the Curzon Soho would be yet another nail in the coffin for the arts in London for the sake of the commercial and financial gain of the minority. Any proposal to demolish this wonderful cinema would be yet another example of the rampant 'beigification' of London. Londoners should unite and reject any proposals to destroy our cultural heritage.

Those of us who want to save Curzon Soho from such a destructive and shameful fate need to fight for its wellbeing right now. A petition signed by 1000s of people whilst the open consultation process is ongoing may just make developers think twice about demolishing this treasured arthouse cinema.

The venue has a special place in our hearts, as it was in their bar that we conductewd our very first video interview with actor-director Diego Luna, which is so low res now we really ought re-upload it before posting a link.

You can sign the petition at the lkink below, from where the above campaign text is sourced:

In support of the campaign, Curzon Soho supporters and staff have recreated their favourite curse scenes from films and reworked them just slightly to send a very direct message to those behind the development, which have been compiled in the video embedded below. There's just one thing, there's a LOT of sometimes very strong language here, and if you're easily offended the you might want to give the video a miss and hop straight to the petition. Speaking personally, we love it.