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Argento-esque horror Mark of the Witch (aka Another) on DVD in February

4 January 2015

A beautiful young woman is driven into a dark underworld of demonic possession, desire, and extreme indulgences when she learns she may be the devil's daughter When her 18th birthday celebrations are put to a dramatic end, triggering a chain of mysterious events, Jordyn is drawn into a world of demonic possession, distorted realities and odd obsessions.

It's old news now that Momentum like to change the titles of some of their lesser known acquisitions for their UK DVD release. We're presuming that sometimes it's because the film has a bad rep and they're hoping to bury the potentially sales-damaging negativity. But when the film in question has attracted some favourable reviews under its original title, the thinking is not quite as clear.

Screened at FrightFest under its intriguing original title of Another, the film is being released on UK DVD under the somewhat retro title of Mark of the Witch. Directed by newcomer Jason Bognacki, the film was enticingly described by Antol Bitel in The Guardian as one that "reimagines the witchy weirdness of Dario Argento's classic Suspiria while further fragmenting its own coming-of-age narrative into a fever dream of spatio-temporal ruptures and hyper-stylised imagery," while Time Out claimed that "The film’s love of the saturated colours, dreamlike atmospheres and lush soundtracks of 1960s and ‘70s Italian giallo thrillers oozes from every frame."

Another ...sorry, Mark of the Witch will be released on UK DVD on 15th February 2016 by Metrodome at the RRP of £14.99.

As you might expect, no extra features have been listed.