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Serbian cyberpunk animation Technotise: Edit & I on DVD in November

2 November 2015

In futuristic Belgrade, Serbia, an attractive and savvy, but also bored and aimless female student called Edit has troubles with her last few exams as well as a pervy teacher. Her friends as well as boyfriend are potheads and slackers, her parents naggers and her mind exhausted, so she decides to get an illegal chip from her drug-dealing friend that, once injected into the bloodstream, can enhance one's ability to memorize things tenfold. In her spare time she works as a babysitter to an autistic savant teenage boy who never speaks.

After passing the exam, she visits the boy and becomes freaked out when he suddenly predicts that she is about to receive a phone call. The person calling is an old scientist, who's also her employer and caretaker of the boy. She is invited to see his top secret research project that, if completed, could tell the future. Once there, she becomes ill and later starts seeing a strange man no one else can see. She soon gains superhuman agility and attempts to communicate with the mystery man. Can she take the devastating truth? Meanwhile, the secretive national security agency that finances the scientist's project becomes aware of the girl's metamorphoses.

Filled with sex, drugs, fast cars and hover boards and directed and written by renowned comic book author and artist Aleksa Gajić (Scrouge of the Gods), the exhilarating Serbian cyberpunk anime hybrid Technotise: Edit & I – based on Gajić's graphic novel Technotise – makes its UK DVD debut on 9th November 2015 from Simply Media at the RRP of £12.99.

No extra features have been listed, but here's a trailer: