This week the BFI announced its major three-month UK-wide autumn blockbuster Love: Films to Fall in Love With... Films to Break Your Heart, in partnership with Plusnet, which celebrates the theme of love on film and TV through DVDs, UK-wide theatrical re-releases, a collection on BFI Player, an education programme, a BFI LOVE compendium, BFI Film Classics books and UK-wide screenings and events. The first DVD to be released as part of Love, is Kim Longinotto’s Love is All (2014) with music by Richard Hawley.
Love is All celebrates a hundred years of love and courtship on the silver screen. The film takes us on an exquisite journey through the twentieth century, exploring love and courtship in all of its shapes and sizes across decades of unprecedented social upheaval. From the first kisses caught on film, through the disruptions of war and the birth of youth culture, free love and gay liberation, we follow courting couples as they flirt at tea dances, kiss in the back row, shack up together and fight for their right to love whomever they choose.
This celluloid love letter is directed by Kim Longinotto (Divorce Iranian Style, Gaea Girls) and edited by Ollie Huddleston (From the Sea to the Land Beyond) using a selection of spellbinding footage from the BFI National Archive and the Yorkshire Film Archive, all set to Richard Hawley’s stunning soundtrack.

The entrancing Love is All will be released on DVD by the BFI on 19th October 2015 as part of the BFI’s blockbuster season, BFI LOVE in partnership with Plusnet, at the RRP of £19.99.
Special features:
Kim Longinotto Q&A (2015, 23 mins): the director in conversation with Duncan Grindall
The Kiss in the Tunnel (G.A. Smith, 1899, 1 min): a moment of passion between two passengers
The Kiss in the Tunnel (Riley Brothers, Bamforth and Company, 1899, 1 min): the same year’s remake
Quite Unfit for Females (Topical Budget, 1921, 1 min): reporting the FA’s ban on women playing football
Marriage of Miss Rose Carmel and Mr. Solly Gershcowit (1925, 3 mins): capturing an East End wedding
Hints and Hobbies No.11 (The Pioneer Film Agency Ltd, 1926, 14 mins): handy tips and advice for ladies
Some Skating Styles (Topical Budget, 1930, 1 mins): footage of competitive and exhibition skating
Fully illustrated booklet with director and composer statements, new essays and full film credits