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Kornél Mundruczó's White God comes to UK DVD in August

21 May 2015

Hagen and his pretty master search desperately for each other until Lili loses faith. Struggling to survive, homeless Hagen realizes that not everyone is a dog’s best friend. Hagen joins a gang of stray dogs, but is soon captured and sent to the pound. With little hope inside there, the dogs will seize an opportunity to escape and revolt against mankind. Their revenge will be merciless. Lili may be the only one who can halt this unexpected war between man and dog.

White God [Fehér isten], Mundruczo's courageous, trail-blazing blend of horror, thriller and riveting socially conscious drama, is a cautionary tale between a superior species and its disgraced inferior. Favouring pedigree dogs, a new regulation puts a severe tax on mixed breeds. Owners dump their dogs and shelters become overcrowded. 13-year-old Lili fights desperately to protect her pet Hagen, but her father eventually sets the dog free on the streets.

Described by CineVue as "An incredibly cinematic canine parable that remains gripping and inventive from its nose to its tail" and The Scotsman, intriguingly, as "A heady mix of Cujo, The Birds and Planet of the Apes," White God will be released on UK DVD on 3 August 2015 by Metrodome at the RRP of £15.99.

No special features have been confirmed.