Adapted from Philip K. Dick’s novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Ridley Scott’s iconic dystopian classic is now recognised as one of the greatest science fiction films ever made, despite an initially resistant critical reception.
From 3rd April 2015, cinema-goers will have the chance to see it again, at its best on the big screen, when the BFI releases Blade Runner: The Final Cut across the UK.
Harrison Ford is exemplary as the world-weary detective hunting down intelligent but murderous replicants in a neon-lit, rain-spattered future Los Angeles. Rutger Hauer, Sean Young and Daryl Hannah all give career-defining performances.
Given complete artistic freedom to make The Final Cut in 2007, the 25th anniversary of the film’s release, director Ridley Scott created this final, definitive version, fully restored from the original negative.

Ahead of next year’s UK-wide opening, a one-day special screening of Blade Runner: The Final Cut will take place in over 80 cinemas on Sunday 14th December 2014 as part of the BFI’s Sci-Fi: Days of Fear and Wonder season, a nationwide celebration of film and television’s original blockbuster genre.
Long-term visitors to this site will be aware that Blade Runner is something or a personal favourite here, and the misleadingly named 'Director's Cut' was reviewed in some detail in a sizeable joint piece by Camus and Slarek back in 2006, which you can read here.
The Blade Runner: The Final Cut – Ultimate Collector's Edition DVD box xset was reviewed in even more detail by Camus in 2007, which you can read here.
Warner Brothers put out a trailer for the 30th Anniversary addition that frankly doesn't represent the film well at all. What's with the music and the echoing voices? See what you think...
Mind you, I'm not sure this trailer for the original cut is much of an improvement...
Better by far is this fan trailer re-imagining the film as a 40s noir...