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Australian TV thriller Secrets & Lies on DVD in November

24 September 2014

One decision, one night, one road taken, one wrong turning. It doesn’t take much to change the rest of your life – but by the time you realise that, it’s far too late.

When Ben Gundelach comes across the body of a murdered four year old boy,it sets off a chain of events that will tear him apart, devastate his family, rock a community and punish the guilty and innocent without reason. The boy, son of a neighbour and single mother, was also a friend of Ben’s family. As homicide detective Ian Cornielle begins his investigation, and the cameras of the press begin invading their lives, they start squeezing the life out of Ben Gundelach, leaving him shocked, confused and very much accused.

Everybody has secrets that are safely locked away. But when secrets are unleashed, the truth can scar – and the truth can kill.

Screts & Lies (not to be confused with the 1996 Mike Leigh film starring Timothy Spall and Brenda Blethyn) is a gripping new Australian TV thriller series starring Martin Henderson, Anthony Hayes, Diana Glenn and Adrienne Pickering, one that has already sparked an American remake (then again, what doesn't?).

Secrets & Lies will be released on UK DVD as a 2-disc set on 3rd November 2014 by RLJ Entertainment (who curiously scramble the text in their PDF press releases – do they want us to promote this or not?) at the RRP of £19.99.

The disc will include six bonus scenes not seen on the TV broadcast.