In 1968 a young college drop-out named George A. Romero gathered an unlikely team - from Pittsburgh policeman, iron workers, housewives and a roller rink owner – to create a low budget horror film that would revolutionise the industry, and spawn a new flesh eating monster that endures to this day… that film was Night of The Living Dead.
This brand new documentary, Birth of the Living Dead, tells the story of how they managed to pull off the greatest guerrilla shoot of all time. This documentary includes exclusive new interviews with the godfather of zombie films George A. Romero himself, as well as brand new animations created by Gary Pullin. Put together with 60’s archival footage this film shows just how politically charged Night was, set against the backdrop of race riots and Vietnam the film challenged the establishment and had enormous fun doing it.

Birth of the Living Dead will be released on UK DVD and VOD (iTunes, FilmFlex, Blinkbox, LoveFilm, Playstation, Xbox, Google Play) on 12th May 2014 by Solo Media at a yet to be confirmed RRP.
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