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Assault on Wall Street on DVD in May

15 April 2014

What does the name Uwe Boll mean to you? If you've seen enough of his films then it probably sends a few chills up your spine. If you've never heard the name then a quick internet search will quickly fill you in on the reputation he has carved for himself as the worst living director, one we personally think is a teeny bit exaggerated. If you're looking for an interoduction to the man and his work, check out Gort's review of his grubby horror thriller Seed.

But in the past few years he's shown signs of shaking off that reputation with a couple of movies that have actually been pretty good. The 2008 Vietnam war movie Tunnel Rats is a prime example. It's not great by any means, but when it works, it works better than Boll's reputation would lead you to expect.

It's a similar story when it comes to his 2013 Assault on Wall Street, which caught some people by surprise because they actually enjoyed it, a view summed up by Todd Rigney at, who opened his review by admitting that "It’s not every day that I encounter an Uwe Boll movie that is intentionally entertaining" and suggested that "Believe it or not, it could be the best movie the guy has ever crafted."

Jim (Dominic Purcell) is a blue-collar New Yorker, working hard to earn a living and support his sick wife, Rosie (Erin Karpluk). But when he loses his job and his life savings at the hands of corrupt Wall Street officials he decides to take matters into his own hands. No longer willing to be abused and exploited by greedy financial institutions, he is left with only one choice: to strike back and claim a justice all of his own.

The film also features Edward Furlong, John Heard, Eric Roberts, Keith David and Boll regular Michael Paré.

Assault on Wall Street will be released on UK DVD on 19th May 2014 by Metrodome Distribution at the RRP of £12.99.

No extra features have been listed.