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Found footage horror Delivery on DVD in May

14 April 2014

With found footage horror long ago consigned to the cupboard in which we put trends that have had their day, it's rare to find one that reminds us that at it's best this sub-genre could be pretty damned unsettling and really did bring a fresh edge to well-worn tales. The 2013 is, apparently, just such a film, and I'm not quoting from the press release here. How could I? It's from Metrodome, so consists of solely of a two-sentence plot summary:

Delivery tells the story of Kyle and Rachel Massy, a young couple who agree to document their first pregnancy for a family-oriented reality show. The production spirals out-of-control after the cameras capture a series of unexplained events, leading Rachel to believe that a malevolent spirit has possessed their unborn child.

Sounds standard fare, but advance press word suggest this one is actually something special. Twitch Film said that it's "engrossing and unsettling in all the right ways, and it proves that in skilled hands, the 'found footage' style need not be reduced to a gimmick," FearNet called it "a smart, calm horror flick that borrows from a few classics but also marks some territory of its own," and The Playlist acclaimed it as "a whip-smart and highly entertaining piece of indie genre fare." OK, we're interested.

Delivery was directed by Brian Netto, written by Netto and Adam Schindler and stars Laurel Vail, Danny Barclay and Rob Cobuzio.

Delivery will be released on UK DVD on 12th May 2014 by Metrodome Distribution at the RRP of £12.99.

As ever, no extra features have been listed.