Gawky teenager Gregory Underwood, loses his place as striker in the school’s shambolic football team but soon finds comfort with the arrival of new star signing Dorothy. "She’s ab-sol-ute-ly gorgeous" he pines to his equally girl-obsessed mates. He sets out to win her heart, but when he finally gets a dream date there’s a surprise in store.
Altered Images’ Clare Grogan stars alongside John Gordon-Sinclair and Dee Hepburn in Gregory's Girl, a heart-warming coming of age British classic from 1981 that garnered a BAFTA award for best screenplay, and nominations for best film and best director.
Listed as one of Barry Norman’s 50 Best Ever British Films in the Radio Times and number 30 in the BFI’s Top 100 British Films, Gregory’s Girl is an outstanding slice of classic British cinema from renowned director Bill Forsyth. Second Sight Films has announced a newly restored version to be released on DVD, Blu-ray, download and video-on-demand.
Said Film4 of Gregory's Girl: "The film has fresh, no-nonsense performances and a script so rooted in truth that it seems to have materialized not been written," while Roger Ebert called it "a charming, innocent, very funny little movie."

Gregory's Girl will be released by Second Sight Films with a newly restored print for UK download on 21st April 2014 and video on demand on 28th April 2014. DVD and Blu-ray editions will follow on 5th May 2014 at the RRP of £15.99 for the DVD and £19.99 for the Blu-ray.
Bonus features will include:
Audio commentary with Bill Forsyth and Mark Kermode
Bill Forsyth – The Early Years – An interview with the director
Gregory’s Girl Memories – An interview with Clare Grogan
Alternative US audio soundtrack