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Fossil on DVD and VOD in April

12 March 2014

Paul and Camilla’s marriage is in trouble. They head to a picturesque cottage in the South of France to work through their problems and try to inject some love back into their marriage. As their relationship unravels, the holiday is hijacked by an American and his French girlfriend. Looking for an excuse to pause the hostilities, Camilla invites them to stay at the cottage. The new dynamic brings with it a new and improved mood, but as sexual tensions rise and competition between the four of them increases, they spiral towards an horrific event that will change all of their lives forever.

Shot on a RED One camera at the height of summer, the colours and landscapes of Fossil are evocative and arresting. Patrick Burniston’s minimalist score punctuates the visuals of the film, constantly reminding the viewer that there is no time for relaxation as the story heads towards its nightmarish denouement.

Inspired by French films of the 1960s and 1970s, such as La Piscine and Le Mépris, and contemporary psychological dramas such as Swimming Pool, Harry, He's Here to Help and Lemming, Fossil delves into the murky recesses of a relationship teetering on the brink of existential ennui.

Fossil will be released on UK DVD and video on demand on 28 April 2014 by Drakes Avenue at the RRP of £15.99 for the DVD, VOD price to be confirmed.

The only listed extra feature is a trailer. Oh, and look what we have here...