This internationally acclaimed, warm and involving 2007 family drama Couscous (original title: La graine et le mulet) tells the story of Slimane, a sixty-something North African immigrant who has just been laid off after a lifetime’s toil at a shipyard in the French Mediterranean port of Sète.
Against considerable odds, Slimane determines to realise his long-held dream of opening a couscous restaurant, but to do so must rally the support of his extended family including his ex-wife, children, mistress and her hot-headed daughter. Eventually the make-or-break opening night arrives and the scene is set for a dramatic and nail-bitingly tense finalé.
Directed by Abdellatif Kechiche, who recently won the Palme D'Or at Cannes for his drama Blue is the Warmest Colour [La vie d'Adèle - Chapitres 1 et 2] and some of the most mouthwatering scenes of food and feasting committed to celluloid, this superbly performed, intimate and vividly realised film is an engrossing tale of hope, cultural identity and familial rivalries.

Coucous will be released on UK Blu-ray on 17th March 2014 by Artificial Eye at the RRP of £19.99.
Special features will include:
Talking of trailers, here's a past one from Artificial Eye, though walk carefully - there are spoilers here and the ending is, well, missing.