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Fassbinder's Querelle on Blu-ray and DVD in March

18 February 2014

Querelle is a sailor on shore leave in the French port of Brest. Following an argument, in which he stabs and kills his drug-smuggling partner, he seeks shelter in a nearby brothel. There he befriends the predatory madam, Lysiane (Jeanne Moreau), who leads him into his first homosexual encounter. From then on Querelle embarks upon a voyage of highly charged and sometimes violent sexual self-discovery that will transform him forever from the man he once was...

Adapted from Jean Genet's infamous, groundbreaking novel, and starring Brad Davis, Franco Nero and Jeanne Moreau, the 1982 Querelle was the final film from celebrated director Rainer Werner Fassbinder, a striking, surreal and utterly unique tale of sex and murder that has gone on to become a cult classic.

The film was selected for the 1982 Venice Film Festival, when Jury President Marcel Carné resigned from his post because he was unable to convince his fellow jury members that Querelle deserved to win the top prize instead of Wim Wenders' The State of Things.

Querelle will be released on UK Blu-ray and DVD on 10th March 2014 by Artificial Eye at the RRP of £19.99 for the Blu-ray and £15.99 for the DVD.

Extra features will include:

  • Documentary: Le crépuscule des corps: Fassbinder cherche Querelle

  • Presentation of the film by Volker Schlöndorff