Eighteen-year-old Shira, an Orthodox Hassid living in Tel Aviv, is looking forward to marrying a handsome, promising boy of her own age. But when her elder sister dies in childbirth and the father considers leaving Israel to re-marry, Shira’s mother proposes a union between her daughter and son-in-law to keep her only grandchild in the country. Shira must then make the terrible choice between her heart’s desire and her family duty...
As tense and gripping as any thriller, Fill the Void [Lemale et ha'halal] is a fascinating insight into a largely closed-off world is a breathtaking exploration of the struggle between family bonds and individual freedom. A striking debut feature from US-Israeli director Rama Burshtein that has garnered innumerable festival awards, including seven Israeli Academy Awards, as well as Best Actress at the Venice Film Festival.

Fill the Void will be released on UK Blu-ray and DVD on 24th March 2014 by Artificial Eye at the RRP of £19.99 for the Blu-ray and £15.99 for the DVD.
There will, we believe, be some extra features (any bets on an interview with the director?), but none have been confirmed yet. Here's a trailer to get you started.