Sophie, a young foreign exchange student, arrives to stay with a happy family in up-state New York, taking piano lessons from the father, Keith. But Sophie’s longing for excitement and Keith’s growing disenchantment with domestic life begin to take on a dangerously romantic aspect that soon threatens to throw Keith’s comfortable suburban existence into chaos...
An intimate and intelligent romantic drama from director Drake Doremus (Like Crazy), featuring captivating, career-best performances from Felicity Jones and Guy Pearce, Breathe In is a riveting tale of forbidden love that "resonates like a symphony" (Kirsty Leckie-Palmer – The Skinny) and was described by Robert Munro at Eye for Film as "a quietly tragic film which excels in teasing out the innermost insecurities of its characters, yet allows each of them to remain sympathetic despite their desperation."
Breathe In will be released on UK DVD and Blu-ray on 7th October 2013 by Curzon Film World at the RRP of £15.99 for the DVD and £19.99 for the Blu-ray.
Special features are: