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Devoured on Blu-ray and DVD in September

2 August 2013

Recording with cold, clinical precision the gradual descent into madness, this slow-burning psychological thriller marks a change of pace for director Greg Olliver, previously best known for his documentary portrait of grizzled Motorhead front man Lemmy.

An intense, troubling film, boasting a strong lead performance from Marta Milans, Devoured calls to mind such bleak and visceral late 70s NY urban dramas as Taxi Driver and Driller Killer in its expert depiction of alienation and escalating horror, or so the press release assures us. Independent opinion is hard to come by at the moment, but UK Horror Scene were enthusiastic about it, calling it "A quite shocking and often disturbing film that shows poverty and decadence can live quite unhappily together in modern times," and Bloody Disgusting called it "Atmospheric with a great payoff." Here's hoping.

Just one question, though: why is there no plot description in the press release? There's not even one on the film's official web site. So here's one from We Got This Covered, who really liked the film:

Lourdes (Marta Milans) came to America so she could raise money for her ill son’s operation back home, and works herself to the bone for her child, sending back money every chance she gets. But when strange apparitions start appearing and Lourdes senses unearthly occurrences around the restaurant, she begins to fear staying alone during her shift. We watch as she deals with whatever forces are at hand, pushing Lourdes to the edge of comprehension.

Devoured will be released on UK Blu-ray and DVD on 16th September 2013 by Matchbox Films at the RRP of £19.99 for the Blu-ray and £15.99 for the DVD.

No extra features have been listed. Bit of a shame, that.