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The Lost Coast Tapes on DVD in September

9 August 2012

A highly acclaimed investigative journalist sees a news report on a 'Bigfoot Hunter', who claims to possess the body of a dead Sasquatch. He is convinced the man is a phony and decides to create a new show that reveals people's paranormal claims as hoaxes. He assembles a crew and heads to Northern California's 'Lost Coast' to meet and interview the man. But as night falls around his remote cabin deep in the woods, they find that the story is not just real, but more strange and terrifying than they could have ever possibly imagined...

If you thought the found footage sub-genre had finally run out of steam, then get ready for The Lost Coast Tapes, where the waggly hand-held cameras are employed to track down Bigfoot. Could the success of Trollhunter be an influence here? We can only hope it's as witty and well made. This one stars Drew Rausch, who was in that horrid Battleship film, Ashley Wood from Prime Suspect USA and Frank Ashmore form the original V, and appears to be thundering straight to DVD, being still listed on IMDb as in post-production. They'd better get a move on...

The Lost Coast Tapes will be released on UK DVD on 3rd September 2012 by G2 Pictures at the RRP of £15.99.

No extras have been listed. Not a sasquatch, you might say. So here's a trailer.