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The Reverend on DVD in August

12 July 2012

Fresh from seminary school, a new Reverend arrives at his first parish; a small chapel in an apparently idyllic country village. But something sinister lurks beneath the surface, and late one night it comes to his door in the guise of a frightened little girl... Waking the next morning with a bloody bite, insatiable hunger and no sign of the girl. The Reverend sets out on his mission.

Vampire movies. Don't you just love 'em? Well, we used to, but in recent years the genre has fallen into teen-driven disaray. The 2011 The Reverend does at least appear to be making an effort to go its own way with the genre rather than following the herd, with the story being loosely based on the Book of Job. Directed by young Welsh filmmaker Neil Jones (The Bond, The Lost, Risen), the film stars Jones regular Stuart Brennan, Tamer Hassan (Kick Ass, Clash of the Titans), Doug Bradley (Book of Blood), Shane Richie (Eastenders) and our old friend Rutger Hauer. Scream Magazine certainly liked it, calliong it "a phenomenal new take on the vampire film," while Starburst called it an "interesting failure." We shall see.

The Reverend will be released on UK DVD on 6th August 2012 by Metrodome Distribution at the RRP of 15.99

Perhaps unsurprisingly, no extras have been listed.