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Tape 407 in DVD in May

18 April 2012

A plane hits extreme turbulence in mid-flight. The relentless weather attack causes panic and terror amongst the passengers until the plane crashes in a remote government-testing area. The handful of survivors from the crash, bloody and disorientated, are then pursued in the darkness by unknown predators that, unbeknownst to them, are part of a top-secret mesa experiment.

The found footage horror sub-genre continues to give birth to new takes on old ideas, even if the genre itself is already starting to be dogged by the curse of formula, particularly the expectation that all of the main protagonists will be dead by the end. If that seems like a spoiler I can assumne you're new to the waggly home movie camera approach to horror storytelling. If I sound a little sarcastic I should state that I have a bit of a soft spot for such films in the hope of stumbling across another [Rec].

With found footage take on the superhero movie Chronicle due for DVD and Blu-ray release next month, we're soon also to be serenaded by Tape 407, which has been described by one commentator as the found footage take on Jurassic Park.

Directed by Dale Fabrigar and Everette Wallin, and starring Abigail Schrader, Samantha Lester and James Lyon, Tape 407 will be released on UK DVD on 21st May 2012 as an After Dark release by G2 Pictures at the RRP of £15.99.

There appear to be no extra features on the disc, so here's the trailer: