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Revenge: A Love Story on DVD in January

22 January 2012

Police are investigating a serial killer who targets pregnant women. The media, tasteful and discreet as ever, have labeled him 'The Dissector' and are running sensationalist headlines such as "Pregnant woman dissected alive, husband put to death in 100 degrees boiling water". Just the sort of coverage serial killer s are reputed to adore.

At the scene of yet another such murder, and led by undercover detectives Jeff and Kwok Wah (Chin Siu Ho, Tony Ho) the police comb the area and find a known suspect, Chan Kit, and bring him in. Chan Kit remains silent throughout the physically brutal interrogation and is released without charge. But if Chan Kit is not the killer, then who is?

The story unfolds step by step, jumping with flashbacks as to how Chan Kit is linked to the group of undercover policeman in the first place and the pain he has silently endured; this is a story about unconditional love.

Director Wong Ching Po says of the film:

"Revenge: A Love Story is a story about hatred. When we were drafting the story, a question arose, 'who is the real victim in revenge?'. We were obsessed by this question every moment until one day, I picked up the book Wild Grass by Lu Xun. There was an essay entitled Vengeance. I came up with a new thought afterwards. Perhaps the victim is the crowd who sees the happenings but indeed doesn't know anything. Human beings can never let go of hatred. Being in hatred is like a one way trip into darkness, you will never come back until it is settled. We wanted the film to relieve the pain brought by hatred, but we failed. We can't imagine how torturing it is to live with hatred after all. Now the film is finished, everyone returns to their original life. It is my time to fade out from the film. Perhaps the best way out of hatred is to leave."

Dark and moody serial killer film with a perspective from the killer's side of the story, Revenge: A Love Story (Fuk Sau Che Chi Sei) is at times bloody, and at others touching and romantic. It won the Silver St George Award at 33rd Moscow International Film Festival 2011 for Best Direction and Best Director, and Best Actor at the 15th Puchon International Film Festival.

Revenge: A Love Story will be released on UK DVD on 23rd January 2012 (yep, that's tomorrow – we've only just got the story) by Terror-Cotta at the RRP of £14.99.

Special features will include:

  • 'Making-of' featurette;
  • Director interview;
  • Producer interview;
  • Trailers;
  • What is Terracotta Festival? Featurette.