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The Peddler/El ambulante on DVD in September

24 August 2011

Armed with one of several ready-to-use scripts, Burmeister arrives at a remote Argentinian village in his rickety car. He asks the village authorities for permission to shoot his latest feature film there, using residents of the village as cast and crew; he asks only for lodging and meals until his film's release a month later. The offer accepted, the making of the film becomes the most important event to take place in the village during that month – and a testament to the power of art to draw together a community.

Captivating and inspirational, The Peddler (El ambulante) is a remarkable documentary by Argentinian film-makers Lucas Marcheggiano, Eduardo de la Serna and Adriana Yurcovich focuses on veteran DIY film-maker Daniel Burmeister, and was described by The News Statesman as "One of the most compassionate and disarming films you'll see all year," and Time Out as "a beautiful film."

The Peddler will be released on UK DVD DVD by Network Releasing on 26th September 2011 at the RRP of £12.99.

The special features will include three short British films made in the spirit of Daniel Burmeister, along with an introduction by Eduardo de la Serna.