Remember Weekend at Bernie's? Did it make you laugh? Yep, there's nothing funnier than trying to convince everyone that the corpse sitting next to you and sitting out on the lounger is actually alive. And while it didn't exactly kick off a new sub-genre, it remains the touchstone for any movie wadering into such blackly comic territory. The latest, snappily titled The Two Deaths of Quincas Wateryell, is from Brazil, of all places, and was produced by none other that Walter Salles – yes, he of Central Station and The Motorcycle Diaries – and directed by Sérgio Machado, the man behind internationally acclaimed Lower City, and writer of Salles' Behind the Sun.
One morning, Quincas Wateryell (Paulo José) doesn't wake up after another night of partying in sleazy bars and brothels. When the news reaches the family he despised, his funeral looks like another humiliation for his daughter Vanda when all of Bahia's high society wants to honour the man she claims left to marry an Italian heiress. But first, with her husband and uncle, Vanda must watch over the corpse in Quincas' squalid hotel room, where his four best drinking buddies gather to give him the send-off he deserves. When the family members are asleep, they sneak Quincas out for one last phenomenal party. With Vanda and the police on their tail, Quincas and his buddies' offbeat rampage provokes chaos and unforeseen consequences...

The Two Deaths of Quincas Wateryell will be released on UK DVD and Blu-ray by Optimum Home Entertainment on 1st August 2011 at the RRP of £17.99 for the DVD and £19.99 for the Blu-ray.
The following extras have been confirmed for both discs:
- The Making of Two Deaths featurette;
- Trailer.