From cinema's maestro of indie queer pop cinema, welcome to Gregg Araki's messed-up world, a concrete jungle teeming with teenage lust, abundant drugs and all-out infidelity. Before Kaboom, Mysterious Skin and The Living End, there was Totally F***ed Up (no I'm not being coy, the asterisks are part of the title), a film for anyone who has grown up gay and lived through the pain of alienation, this self-consciously cool story of the gay teen underground is New Queer Cinema at its edgiest – a humorous yet moving study of an unwanted generation.
Director Gregg Araki has described the film thus:
"Like all my movies, Totally F***ed Up comes from a number of inspirations. One of the initial sparks was the article about the disproportionate percentage of gay teen suicides which begins the film. Another was a small news item I read about a troubled gay boy who killed himself by drinking Drano and drowning in his family's swimming pool. Then there was the lesbian acquaintance who told me about this turkey baster insemination party she had attended. I felt a need to respond to the unrelenting barrage of institutionalised homophobia – from the media, from ignorant politicians, from rabid cultural "watchdogs". Plus, of course, there is my intense admiration of Godard – especially Masculin/Feminin, which is paid homage to and clearly the primary influence here. And...well, the list goes on and on.
"But, probably the essential impetus behind the film was the desire to portray a way of life, a sub-subculture which is totally ignored by both the mainstream and the conventional gay media – to represent the unrepresented. I would venture to say that queer teenagers – with all their lovable confusions and complexities – have never before been depicted as they are in this movie. There is a tendency to sanitize, to gloss over, to moralise when dealing with the subject of young gays – which I consciously avoided in the development of this project. This is not a documentary and makes no false claims at that big film school theoretical can of worms "objectivity". However, in its attempt to present "a" – as opposed to "the" – truth, I hope that Totally F***ed Up will, if not educate, at least enlighten and provoke thought, discourse and feelings."

Totally F***ed Up – F***ed Up Edition will be released on UK DVD by Peccadillo Pictures on 8th August 2011 at the RRP of £9.99.
The disc will feature a remastered picture and a director's commentary. |