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My Best Enemy on DVD in September

27 June 2011

Just before the Second World War, as Nazi Germany sought to annex Austria through political allegiance and extend its grip across Europe, a secret is uncovered by the SS that could change the course of the war. Hoping to secure the historical artifact at the centre of the controversy, the SS imprison the family involved and confiscate their possessions. However, when one of the victims is taken to Berlin for interrogation, a twist of fate throws him and his jailor into a battle between a renegade band of resistance militia and the enemy. In an act to save his family, the prisoner now must make the desperate choice between acting in vengeance or laying his life on the line to defend his family and fight for his people.

Directed by Wolfgang Murnberger (Silentium; The Bone Man / Der Knochenmann), My Best Enemy (Mein bester Feind) stars Moritz Bleibtreu (Run Lola Run; Das Experiment), Georg Friedrich (The Time of the Wolf; Import/Export), Udo Samel (The Piano Teacher; Carlos the Jackal) and Marthe Keller (Black Sunday; The Boy from Wolf Mountain).

My Best Enemy will be released on UK DVD on 12th September 2011 by Metrodome Distribution at the RRP of £15.99.

The only listed extra is a behind-the-scenes featurette.