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Eyeborgs on DVD in June

4 May 2011

Like scriptwriter pitching to a Hollywood studio, PR companies love selling movies as a combination of two previously successful projects – you know the sort of thing, "something-or-other meets thingamabob," and the film they're hawking ususually resembles neither. Which is why the amusingly titled Eyeborgs, which stars Adrian Paul (Highlander), Megan Blake (The Opposite Of Sex), Luke Eberl (Letters From Iwo Jima; Planet Of The Apes) and Danny Trejo (Machete; Predators) is being championed as, and I quote, "I, Robot meets Gremlins," an unlikely sounding combination in any universe.

In the wake of another devastating terrorist attack, the United States government passes the "Freedom of Observation Act", a law requiring all communications and surveillance cameras to be constantly monitored for national security. Helping to enforce the new law are the Eyeborgs, mobile surveillance robots that can track suspicious persons wherever they may try to hide. Now everyone is under the constant watch of ODIN, the Optical Defence Intelligence Network, an all-seeing system that never sleeps, never rests and never stops "looking out for you." But what few people realize is the Eyeborgs are authorized to do more than just watch. If an Eyeborg witnesses a crime in progress when no other law enforcement agent is present, it can take whatever action is necessary to stop it.

Investigating a series of suspicious deaths, Homeland Security agent R.J. "Gunner" Reynolds (Paul) finds a link to the Eyeborgs and is led to believe that terrorists have taken over the system and are using the 'bots in a plot to assassinate the President of the USA. What he doesn't realize is the truth behind the killings is far more terrifying than any mere act of terrorism.

Described by DVD Talk as "a smart, ambitious, and fiercely independent slice of science fiction" and "every bit as infectiously fun and overflowing with robot shootouts as you'd expect out of a sci-fi flick with this sort of title," Eyeborgs (cert. 15) will be released on UK DVD by Momentum Pictures on 20th June 2011 at the RRP of £15.99.

Special Features will include:

  • 6 deleted Scenes;
  • Making Eyeborgs featurette;
  • Stunts featurette;
  • Visual Effects featurette;
  • How To Make A Robot In 3 Minutes featurette;
  • Blooper Reel.