Ayed Morrar, an unlikely community organiser, unites Palestinians from all political factions and Israelis to save his village from destruction by Israel's Separation Barrier. Victory seems improbable until his 15-year- old daughter, Iltezam, launches a women's contingent that quickly moves to the front lines. Struggling side by side, father and daughter unleash an inspiring, yet little-known movement in the Occupied Palestinian Territories that is still gaining ground today.
Budrus focuses on one Palestinian village but tells a much bigger story about what is possible in the Middle East. Ayed succeeded in doing what many people believe to be impossible: he united feuding Palestinian political factions, including Fatah and Hamas; he brought women to the heart of the struggle through the leadership of his daughter and he encouraged hundreds of Israelis to cross into Palestinian territory for the first time and join this nonviolent effort.
An action-filled documentary chronicling this movement from its infancy, Budrus shines a light on people who choose nonviolence to confront a threat yet remain virtually unknown to the world. The film was directed by award-winning filmmaker Julia Bacha (writer/editor of Control Room, co-director of Encounter Point), and produced by Bacha, Palestinian journalist Rula Salameh, and filmmaker and human rights advocate Ronit Avni (formerly of WITNESS, director of Encounter Point).

This moving documentary comes to UK DVD on 9th May 2011 from Dogwoof at the RRP of £14.99.
Special features will include:
- Fabulous Picture Show of Budrus;
- Deleted scenes;
- Theatrical trailer;
- Trailer for Encounter Point.