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Unmistaken Child on DVD in April

22 March 2011

In 2001, Lama Konchog passed away following 26 years of isolated meditation in a remote mountain cave. Upon Lama Konchog's death, the Dalai Lama instructed his disciple Tenzin Zopa to venture out in search of his reincarnated master. But there is an urgency to Zopa's quest, because should he fail to locate the 'unmistaken child' within the span of four short years, it will be too difficult to remove the boy from his parent's care. As a seven-year-old boy, Zopa had willingly entered the service of Lama Konchog, faithfully remaining by his chosen master's side for the next 21 years. When Lama Konchog died, Zopa was devastated. But while the prospect of finding his reincarnation is indeed a foreboding one, the loyal disciple is determined to succeed. With little more than dreams and whispers to guide him, Zopa sets out across lands that seemed to have been virtually untouched by civilization for an entire century. Later, when Tenzin comes across an apparent contender, he prepares to conduct the test that will confirm or deny the reincarnation.

His search leads him to a young boy who would appear to have all the attributes and disciplines of his master. Can this child really be Lama Konchog reborn? Only a perilous journey to visit the Dalai Lama can bring an answer. The Buddhist concept of reincarnation, while both mysterious and enchanting, is difficult for most Westerners to grasp. Unmistaken Child explores the myths and legends that surrounds this belief in a beguiling, touching and even humorous experience. The beauty and splendour of Nepal is the breathtaking backdrop for this inspirational life affirming story.

Winner of a number of international prizes for Best Documentary, Unmistaken Child will be released on UK DVD on 11th April 2011 by Matchbox Films at the RRP of £15.99. The only listed extra feature is a trailer.