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Two teenage girls wanted for new Sally Potter film

31 January 2011

Fancy a part in the new Sally Potter film? Of course you'll need to be female and aged between 14 and 18, but that fits you, a friend or a member of your family then read on.

The film production company Adventure Pictures is searching for two teenage girls to play the lead roles in a new feature film. Director Sally Potter is looking for two aspiring actresses, with a playing age of 15 to 16, for her 60's period film. Potter has worked with stars including Johnny Depp, Tilda Swinton, Judi Dench and Jude Law on her previous films, including the Oscar-nominated Orlando. Adventure is inviting those interested to post a short video of themselves performing part of a scene from the film, and the best ones will be invited to an audition in London.

If you are interested, then you can get full details of the film and the requiredment for auditions from the Facebook casting page at:!/pages/Sally-Potter-Casting/195903750424820 or at Potter's web page at: