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Involuntary (De ofrivilliga) on DVD in February

24 January 2011

It's summer in Sweden. A primary school teacher decides to teach her colleagues a lesson they'll never forget. Teenage girls are indulging in a webcam tease and seducing strangers. University students are taking male bonding to a new level. And as day turns to night, a coach driver decides enough is enough and won't drive his passengers any further.

Winner of a number of international awards, including Best Film at the Brussels European Film Festival, the 2008 Involuntary (De ofrivilliga) is an engaging and original comedy from Scandinavian first-timer Ruben Östlund that stars fellow newcomers Villmar Björkman, Linnea Cart-Lamy and Leif Edlund.

Involuntary will be released on UK DVD on 28th February 2011 by Trinity at the RRP of £15.99. Extra features include:

  • Involuntary UK Theatrical Trailer;
  • Autobiographical Scene Number 6882 (Original Short);
  • Guitar Mongoloid (Unreleased Feature).

You can watch the first of those extras here: