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Paradox Soldiers on DVD in February

5 January 2011

What is it with all the film name-changing at the moment? It does make it hard to research an upcoming release the film has been given a new UK release title that has yet to propagate onto the usual net databases. The cynical might suggest that it makes it harder to track down the bad reviews, or in the case of the upcoming Paradox Soldiers, that it's actually a sequel a Russian film you're unlikely to have seen or perhaps even heard of. The original title is My iz budushchego 2, the follow-up to the 2008 My iz budushchego, which translates roughly as 'We From the Future'.

Anyway, what's this one about? Four strangers are enjoying a World War II re-enactment weekend when fantasy becomes reality and they find themselves accidentally caught up in a time vortex which throws them back to the real Second World War. Desperate to avoid capture by Nazi forces, the four must put aside their differences to find another portal that will return them to their own time. On the way, they accidentally become embroiled in one of history's most notorious, bloody and pivotal battles and realise if they fail in their mission, their future selves will never exist.

It's worth noting that the original My iz budushchego has a small fan base and the sequel has prompted generally favourable reaction. Just wish we could get our hands on it before seeing the follow-on.

Paradox Soldiers will be released on UK DVD on 21st February 2011 by Metrodome at the RRP of £15.99. There are no extra features on the disc.