Supplied press releases are usually predictable affairs, plot outlines accompanied by positive adjectives, but every now and the one arrives that breaks with tradition and intriguiges on its personality. Such is the case with the upcoming release of Frank Tashlin's 1957 Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?, which is coming to Blu-ray next month from the fine people at Eureka as part of the Masters of Cinema series. Try this for size:
Unsold on celebrity? Congested with consumption? Addled by status? You're in The World, kiddo, brought to you by Frank Tashlin — "Because Someone's Got to Live in It." And now a brief word on our latest fine product, the one that gives you the answer to that nagging question: Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?
Ladies and gentlemen, no-one does straight-and-narrow quite like Tony Randall, and we guarantee his turn as lovable ad-man Rockwell P. Hunter will leave you in so many stitches you'll be just silly with sc-HAH-rtissue! And speaking of tissue: once you see Jayne Mansfield bob and weave as starlet Rita Marlowe, the ambidextrous angel who takes Hunter under her "wings" to launch his agency into the $trato$phere, you too will coo her trademark "ooo"! But that's not all! You'll also get Ms. Joan Blondell, star of Nightmare Alley and of Opening Night, who rounds out the package as Ms. Marlowe's assistant and handler — as they say in Paris, quel package!
Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? proves that love CAN be manufactured (how else could we get our Blu-rays in your hands??), and finds Frank Tashlin doing what he did better than everyone else: Frank Tashlin'!!! Trust us when we say we here at The Masters of Cinema Series are simply over-the-moon to be presenting Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? for the first time on Blu-ray anywhere on the planet.
Noew how could you not want to see that? We're chomping at the bit already.

Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? will be released on Blu-ray by Eureka on 25 October 2010 by Eureka as part of the Masters of Cinema series at the RRP of £22.99. Featuring a 'gorgeous' (press release assurance) high-definition transfer of the film in its original 2.35:1 aspect ratio, the disc will also boast the following extras:
- New and exclusive video introduction to the film by director Joe Dante;
- Vintage Movietone short which captures Jayne Mansfield on tour promoting the film;
- Alternate music & effects track with a different musical score for the opening of the picture and other 'temporary' effects-placement;
- Original theatrical trailer;
- Optional English SDH subtitles for the deaf and hearing-impaired
- 44-page booklet featuring two new essays by film writer David Cairns, and an exclusive 2003 interview about the film with Tony Randall conducted by Ethan DeSeife.