Two pretty American girls on a road trip across Europe end up alone in the woods at night when their car breaks down in rural Germany. As they search for help they find an isolated house. Offering to call them a taxi, the house's owner Dr. Heiter, a retired surgeon, invites the girls inside with the promise of a drink and dry place to wait until help arrives. However they realise that there is something not quite right about the formidable Dr. Heiter...
As their demented host explains his twisted vision, the two girls discover that they are soon to become a lot closer to each other than they ever wanted to be. Heiter's plan is to connect the two girls to each other with a third person, a hapless Japanese tourist, via their gastric systems in a daring bid to be the first person to create a Siamese triplet, bringing to life his sick lifetime fantasy...The Human Centipede!
Apparently inspired by a conversation over what punishment would be appropriate for convicted paedophiles (funny how it's always the same crime that kicks these things off nowadays), Tom Six's bizarre biological horror film has the distinction of being, we are assured, 100% medically accurate. Quite how you prove that is a matter for troubling conjecture.

The Human Centipede [First Sequence] will be released on UK DVD and Blu-ray on 4th October 2010 by Bounty Films through Eureka Entertainment at the RRP of £16.99 for the DVD and £19.99 for the Blu-ray. The extra feature, all presented in HD on the Blu-ray, are:
- Making of featurette;
- Interview with Tom Six;
- Casting featurette;
- Foley session;
- Deleted scene;
- Original theatrical trailer.