When the beautiful young aristocrat Anna Karenina meets the dashing Count Vronsky at a Moscow railway station, their first encounter is overshadowed by misfortune.
Trapped in a loveless, arranged marriage with the cold Alexei Karenina, Anna tries her best to resist the passionate advances of Vronsky. Eventually succumbing to his allure, Anna grows to be his mistress.
Her actions cause outrage in St Petersburg society and her husband not only refuses her the dignity of a divorce but also prevents her from seeing her beloved son – unless she agrees to leave Vronsky forever.
Shunned, heartbroken and trapped by the very love she'd always sought, Anna's actions become ever more desperate.
The treasure trove of past and too often buried British TV delights has been raided to unearth this 1961 BBC version of Leo Tolstoy's frequently filmed novel (at least twenty-four film and TV versions to date) that stars Claire Bloom as Anna and Sean Connery as Count Vronski, just a year before Dr. No made him an international star.

Anna Karenina will be released on UK DVD on 27th September 2010 by Simply Media at the RRP of £14.99. No extras have been listed. |