The First Lebanon War - June, 1982. A lone tank is dispatched to search a hostile town that has already been bombarded by the Israel Air Force. What seems to be a simple mission gets gradually out of control and turns into a death trap, a shivering nightmare.
Shmuel the gunner, Assi the commander, Herzl the loader and Yigal the driver are the tank's crew. Four boys aged 20 plus who operate a killing machine. They are not fighters, eager for battle, conquest or self-sacrifice. They're brave kids losing their innocence in the most brutal way and being mentally destroyed. A sharp basic instinct will push them to the limits as they struggle hard to survive in a situation they cannot contain anymore, desperately trying not to lose their humanity amid the chaos of war.
Lebanon is a personal film about survival against a palpable threat of death, a situation in which the conflict between their basic instincts and human conscious claims its victims.

Written and directed by Samuel Maoz, Lebanon will be released on UK DVD on 23rd August 2010 by Metrodome at the RRP of £15.99. Extra features include:
- Commentary from director Samuel Maoz, upon whose real life experiences the film is based;
- History of the First Lebanese War (text document);
- LEBANON: The background story to the film (text document).