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The Torment on DVD in August

12 July 2010

Ever since Blair Witch successfully hoodwinked its early American audience that what was being faked on screen was actually for real, the fake documentary approach has been popular with horror movie makers, especially those working on a low budget and has given rise to a whole string of camcorder horror films of varying quality. The latest arrival is The Torment, A tale of demonic possession, strange goings-on, and human beings tortured to the brink of insanity by forces we don't fully understand.  

The action unfolds as our leading man David O'Reilly turns up in the middle of the night at the London flat of his friends Alex and Kate with the news that his girlfriend has left him. Feeling sorry for him, the pair let David stay, but are totally unaware of the real reason he's turned up – for two weeks he's seen and heard things that have terrified him so much that he's fled to what he hopes will be a safe haven. Guess again, David.

Allegedly inspired by a real life domestic incident in which the police were called to a block of converted Victorian flats and were perplexed and disturbed by what they found. I did say allegedly...

Torment will be released on UK DVD on 9th August 2010 by Momentum at the RRP of £12.99. No extras have been listed as yet.