One of the most ambitious and inventive films from legendary animator Ralph Bakshi, Wizards (1977) was described by Tasha Robinson at the Onion A.V. Club. as "one of the most appealingly subversive, cynical animated movies ever made." Set on a post-apocalyptic Earth where technology has been outlawed after nuclear disaster, the film follows the story of Avatar (you heard me), the kindly, eccentric sorcerer-ruler of Montagar, a rainbow paradise inhabited by elves and fairies. Avatar's evil brother Blackwolf dominates Scortch, a bleak land of goblins and wraiths. When the power-hungry Blackwolf attacks Montagar, Avatar, accompanied only by a spirited young woman and a courageous elf, must enter the darkness of Scortch to save his world.

Wizards is to be released on UK DVD and Blu-ray on 24th May 2010 by Eureka Entertainment at the RRP of £15.99 for the DVD and £17.99 for the Blu-ray. Extra features on both releases will include:
- Audio commentary by Ralph Bakshi;
- The Wizard of Animation featurette;
- Stills gallery;
- TV-spot;
- Theatrical trailers.