A visionary medieval epic, František Vláčil's dazzling The Valley of the Bees (Údolí včel, 1968) is as powerful and engrossing as his more famous work, Mareta Lazarová (1967). It chronicles the tale of a young boy forced to join the Order of the Teutonic Knights, who on reaching adulthood he abandons, only to be persued by a fanatical comrade and pay a terrible price for his rejection of the Holy Order.
With its resplendent monochrome cinematography and evocative recreation of 13th Century Europe, the film is a haunting moral fable of corruption and fundementalism examining the conflict between human nature and dogmatism. Released just prior to the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, the film's theme was given a political interpretation and screenings were severely restricted by the authorities.

The Valley of the Bees will be released on UK DVD by Second Run on 22nd March 2010 at the RRP of £12.99. Featuring an all new digital transfer with restored picture and sound and new English subtitle translation, the disc will include a booklet featuring an essay by author and academic Peter Hames. |